This should be read as a response to DV's previous posting titled “Der postheroische Charakter”. I have been thinking about this postheroisch business. To be fair, Dornes (2010: 1009) does offer other terms in a footnote: "postpatriarchalisch (Kilian 1995), postkonventionell (Whitebook 1995), postautoritär (Honneth 2009)," which I believe are more-or-less problematic for their own reasons.
But, postheroisch has a sort of familiar ring to it. Turns out, it’s a term coined by Charles Handy, a management Guru of some repute and has been in circulation in management literature for some time now. This I believe affords an ironic reflexivity to Dornes’ thesis. Whatever be the Erziehungspraktiken that might have assisted his formation, his propensity to deploy post-“linguistic turn” academic vocabulary of this kind has much more to do with how labor is organized in the age of “flexible accumulation”. Thus, it is not for nothing that flexibility is the central figure in his construction of the postheroische Charakter.
Und in Deutschland von Dirk Baecker eingeführt. Haben wir sie wieder, die Luhmannianer ; )